About Us

What We Do

Here at Bright Sphere Holdings we deal directly with manufacturers and distributors to find quality smaller branded niche products and bring them to the market place, so they can be found and enjoyed by all that appreciate them.

We are always looking to expand our product portfolio with quality regular lines by becoming an authorized re-seller or by helping brand owners master online market places while protecting the value of the brand and abiding by MAP agreements and enforcing them.

If you feel you may have a brand/product that could compliment our existing portfolio please make contact with us.

Contact Us

Get in touch

    Bright Sphere Holdings

    UK: 124-128 City Rod, London, EC1V 2NX

    USA: 8110C Highway 22, Dresden, TN, 38225

    UK: 020 3778 1433 USA: 845 603 1241
